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Cylon Types and Classes.

There are many types of Cylons with various colors.  Chrome, Gold, and Steel colors for the Centurions (Soldiers) As the IL Series have multiple colors in coded into their systems.  A Cylon is known for being fully robotic as when we created them so many years ago before they rebelled, We had created them to do the things we couldn't do.  (Example:  Walk into a fire to surpass the fire to get to civilians to rescue them. To terraform a planet that wasn't breathable by the Colonies. Ect)  Their leaders are or were a hand full of humans that created subroutines that would make them more lethal to humans thus ending the Human/Cylon relations.

IL Series Cylon

Not much is known about this type of Cylon just yet. Just that their bodies under the robes are all machine looking. The robes give the Cylon a sense it looks human and can cope with humans. Though it would be hard since it's head is fully metal with red glowing (Shifting right to left) eyes. It's cranium is glass showing it's posatronic brain. These Cylons often try to make deals yet can't seem to hold up their end of the deal, weather it be to set someone free or to stop an attack. They are not trustworthy.

Command Centurions

These centurions are often found in Basestars as commanders. When the IL Series Cylon isn't in charge. They are durable as well as ruthless. They command respect from any life form that they encounter. It takes several blaster shots to the chest plating to bring one down. Few shots to the face plating to bring it down that way. These Cylons are crack shots as well as are handy with a sword (God knows why.) If you see a battalion of these coming at you, you should run or hide and hope they don't find you.  

Captain or Communications Centurion

These centurions usually can be found leading strike teams of Raiders or even just in the communications deck of the Cylon Basestars. They are durable to the point that it takes 3 shots to the body to destroy one. They are expert marksmen as well as are suited to any weather conditions. These Cylons have a communications chip embedded in their head that allows for any Cylon to recognize it as a Captain or higher.


Centurions are the base form of Soldiers and Pilots for the Cylon Empire. They are easy to create as well as have several flaws that are always needed to be worked out. They aren't expert marksmen as not many of them are given much more then a Blaster Rifle or Ordinance. They are equip with Standard Blaster Pistols and Swords (Still don't know why.) They are adaptable to any environment and are easy to take down. With their limited programming they are also easily to be shot down but a group of them in space combat can easily over take a Squadron of Viper Pilots with out the Colonial Pilots even knowing what happened.  

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