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We want you to be a part of the crew and family at the Colonial Defense Force.

Here at the Colonial Fleet we are always excepting new recruits as well as veteran officers. There are several Battlestars to choose from (Will have to add it to the roster if you choose it). There are several positions with in the fleet. Ranging from Commander all the way down to Ensign. If you so choose to join the fleet then we see that as a commitment to the cause, To the fight against the Cylons. If you choose not to join the defense force then may your days be filled with peace.


Here at the Colonial Defense Force we go on missions suited to the situations. Viper Pilots go on patrol as well as defend the Battlestars and Colonies from the Cylon threat. Raptor Pilots preform ground missions as well as some space recon missions providing clear line of sight to targets from the air or behind a moon. Battlestars provide the heavy artillery from orbit or even from inside the atmosphere. They are our big guns and commanded by the Fleet Commanders.


Fleet Commanders often stick to their Battlestars (Which ever they choose). They are the leaders of the fleet, What they say goes with out question. Some of us don't like it then we have to deal with it. They are the guardians of the fleet in their Battlestars.


Viper Pilots are the best of the best in air combat. The Viper is the fastest most agile ship in the fleet. It's a single man craft that can travel up to sub-light speeds. They have turbo generators which allow them to pull g-force turns at ease.


Marines are your basic ground forces as well as the military police aboard any Battlestar. There are many marines on every Battlestar for any type of situation. Boading parties, Raids against another ship, Or just used for ground forces in a ground battle.


Techs work on our systems as well as keep all out equipment up to speed. With out techs our Vipers couldn't fly, or we'd never have the ground artillery up and running for our marines. They are the life blood of our fleets.


If you wish to join our fleet or another fleet just for the aid of it. Then by all means send Genevieve Moroe a PM Via Rpc. We are actually looking for people to join a large long term rp with friends. The rp in question isn't one that is fully sexual all though at times it can get a little sexual and when it does we ask that you take it to a Private chat. But the Rp is also one of Action, Adventure and exploring what it's like to rp in space as a Colonial Warrior (Or Colonial Tech if a Tech is taken).



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