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Crew Staff Assignments (Recruiting)

The Command Staff for each Battlestar selected will be posted up here as well as her crew and officers.

This section is to show who belongs on what ship as well as to tell a little something about the crew members and ships.

Battlestar Columbia

Officers and Crew:

This is where the crew roster is as of now.  Though i hope to make a full roster (Not a crew compliment of 5,000 people) Just from the Commander Down to Marines.



  • Commander: None

  • Executive Officer: None

  • Cag: None (Yet 2 Pilots Viaing for position)

  • Gold Squadron: James 'Jammer' Anders

  • Silver Squadron: Genevieve 'Steel' Moroe

  • Bronze Squadron: None

  • White Squadron: None

  • Raptor Squadron: Kinjia Hodari

  • Command Officers: None

  • Bridge Staff: None

  • Hanger Crew: None

  • Marines: None


Crew Thus Far (Profiles Attached)

James 'Jammer' Anders

James is the squadron leader for the Gold Squadron. They were the first squadron set forth on the Battlestar Columbia. Most of his squadron excel at what they do though he has had to replace a few from time to time. James is a trustworthy man who cares deeply for those under his command. He's been spending a lot of time with his fiance Genevieve over the past few weeks as the two always seem to go on patrol together and well do everything together. Though when he goes on his missions with his squadron when her squadron isn't around he always seems to worry about her since she's the more Reckless of the two.


Genevieve 'Steel' Moroe

Genevieve is the Squadron leader of Silver Squadron the second of the fighter squadrons on the Battlestar Columbia. She's hot headed at times as well as reckless and a bit cocky. Her attitude on the field is one of the faster paced fighter pilots. Some of her actions and her attitude has landed her in the brig on the ship from time to time. Though her Fiance has been there for her all the time since flight school. She is one that can be trusted mostly when the time is right. She's been in several battles along side James and the squadrons.

Uniforms of the Colonial Fleet.

Colonial Officer's Uniform

Colonial Warrior Uniform

Colonial Blaster Pistol

Techs and Repair Personel uniforms

Viper Squadron Leaders

The Vipers in Formation

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