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Colonial Defence Force Shipyards, Scorpia

Joining the Colonial Fleet ensures that our Colonies have a future to survive. Joining the Fleet means serving on a Battlestar. Here at the Scorpio Fleet Ship Yards is where most new cadets are stationed aboard the Battlestar they were chosen for. Scorpio is also where most Battlestars are re-fitted as well as retro-fitted for their battles against the Cylons.


New designs for the Battlestars are created here as well. This facility holds anywhere from 8000 to 10,000 crew that work on the Battlestars at any given time. Not many weapons are evident since there are at any given time 7 to 10 Battlestars present at times.

The Fleet

Zuse Class Battlestar

The Zeus Class Battlestars are the Largest of the fleet with approximate 5,000 crew members. They are the strongest of the Battlestars being Hybrids of the Dreadnought and the Carrier Class ships. They hold 6 squadrons of Vipers as well as a full squadron of Raptors.


Race: Colonial

  • FTL: Yes

  • Crew: Approximately 5,000

  • Role: Carrier / Dreadnought

  • Armaments

  • 600x Dual Point Defense CIWS

  • 40 to 50x Primary Guns

  • Defense

  • Flack:

  • Aircraft:

  • Full Compliment Viper Mark 1.

  • Full Raptor Compliment.

  • Aviation Facilities:

  • 2x Flight Pods

  • 2x Flight Decks: 617 M (2,025 Ft) Each

  • 2x Hanger Facilities

  • 80x Viper Launch Tubes

Hades Class Battlestar

Hades Class Battlestar. This Battlestar is the main Carrier of the fleet it's a Carrier / Battleship Hybrid. Considerably smaller then the Zeus class Battlestar but it's just as tough. These are durable as well as dependable Battlestars.


Race: Colonial

Type: Military

FTL: Yes


  • 8x Sublight Engines

  • Maneuvering Thrusters

Crew: Approximately 1,750.

Role: Carrier / Battleship


  • 34x Primary Batteries (30x Twin Turrets, 4x Fixed Twin Mounts)

  • Numerous Point and Defense Cannons

  • Missile Tubes


  • Electronic Countermesures

  • Flack


  • Full Viper Mk 1 and 1b Compliment

  • Full Raptor Compliment

Aviation Facilities:

  • 2x Flight Pods

  • 4x Flight Decks

  • 80x Viper Launch Tubes

  • Viper Construction Facilities

Valkyrie Class Battlestar

The Valkyrie is the smallest of the Battlestar Fleet Ships. It's more maneuverable then any other Battlestar. It's sole role is a Battleship built for Defense rather then strait up attack like the Hades or the Zeus class Battlestars.


Race: Colonial

Type: Military

Role: Carrier / Battleship


  • 20x Small Duel Mounted Turrets

  • 33x Heavy Duel Turrets Capable of Firing Missiles

  • Point and Defense Cannons


  • Small Viper Compliment

  • Small Raptor Compliment

Aviation Facilities:

  • 2x Flight Pods

  • 2x Flight Decks

  • 6x Viper Launch Tubes

Small Craft (Raptors and Vipers)

Colonial Viper Mk 1

The Vipers are the Main fleet Fighters. They are Extremely Fast, Agile and are a versatile fighter. They seat one man, (or woman) have minimal defenses.


Race: Colonial

Type: Military


  • 3x Sub-light Aft Mounted Engines

  • 3x Turbo Boosters for each Engine

Crew: 1 Pilot

Role: Space Superiority Fighter


  • 2x Forward Firing lasers





Length: 29 Ft (8.7m)

Width: 13 Ft (3.8m)


Colonial Viper Mk 1-b

The Vipers are the Main fleet Fighters. They are Extremely Fast, Agile and are a versatile fighter. They seat one man, (or woman) have minimal defenses. In addition to the Mk 1 Design the Mk 2 has an extra seat behind the cockpit for a passenger or person of importance.


Race: Colonial

Type: Military


  • 3x Sub-light Aft Mounted Engines

  • 3x Turbo Boosters for each Engine

Crew: 1 Pilot

Role: Space Superiority Fighter


  • 2x Forward Firing lasers





Length: 33 Ft (11.7m)

Width: 13 Ft (3.8m)


Raptor Class Recon shuttle

There are many types of Raptors used for different jobs. But the main focus of the Raptors aboard the fleet are for Recon as well as Transport of Military Troops into hostle territory. These ships are lightly armored and have a compliment of weapons for defense. They are no where near as fast or adgile as the Viper fighter craft.


Raptor (Recon)


Race: Colonial

Type: Military

FTL: Yes


  • 2x Fixed Sublight Engines


  • Approximately 5 to 10 passengers


  • Reconnaissance and Surveillance

  • Battlefield Logistics

  • Search and Rescue

  • Transport


  • 8x Ship to ship missiles

  • Communications Drones


  • Decoy Drones

  • Electronic Countermeasures



Raptor (Assault)


Race: Colonial

Type: Military

FTL: Yes (Short Ranged)


  • 2x Fixed Sublight Engines


  • Approximately 5 to 10 passengers


  • Reconnaissance and Surveillance

  • Battlefield Logistics

  • Search and Rescue

  • Transport


  • 2x Automatic Canons

  • 8x Ship to ship missiles

  • 2x Rocket Pods

  • 2x Missile Based CIWS Pods

  • Communications Drones


  • Decoy Drones

  • Electronic Countermeasures

Colonial Transports

Colonial Transports are the Shuttle craft of the fleet. They carry a compliment of 20 to 25 crew members at a time. Their not designed for combat at all as they are mainly for inter fleet transport, Or carrying personnel to the surface of planets. They have no armaments and are not built for speed. 2 or more Vipers or Raptors usually accompany these shuttles where they need to go as escorts.


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